To market, to market to buy a fat pig. Home again, home again rig-a-jig-jig. In with that market hopping piggy toss in a surprise welcome home party for a dear friend, a sprinkling of sewing cupboard sorting out, a good dash of retaining wall ripping down and rebuilding and a generous dollop of cup of tea-ing. Such was the last few days in this wee household.
Not since my uni days have I gallivanted quite so much in one weekend. BrisStyle Twighlight markets on a balmy winter Friday night (oxymoron I know!), Saturday at the Red Hill Fair selling up a storm and making a HUGE mental note to self to buy a decent portable stool. I had to shoo a rogue child away who mistook my footsies for the giant helium balloons being paraded about. Mon dieu!!

And now to be even more of a stop out...I'm heading out tonight to meet a lovely girlfriend for dessert after our poppets are snuggled up in bed. I've had a blast but I'm exhausted. Nothing a crême brulée or two can't put to rights. Bon Appetit!!!
Love the boots. Hope you have a great night out tonight with the girlfriends- fun times.
Sounds like such a grand time Steph! Terribly envious I am. Forgot all about the twilight market and if I'd realised you were doing the Red HIll Fair, I'd have made the effort to come out to meet and greet! Next time perhaps. Obviously I haven't been keeping up with your posts properly! :))
Your outfit looks positively fab! Love it. The linen especially is wonderful. Have a great week. x
What a gorgeous tunic!! I love it and what you paired it with!! Those boots are divine and I wished you had of snapped a pic of yourself decked out in such a stunning outfit!! Can't wait to hear all your marketing adventures, but for now sweet Steph, put your lippy on and head out for a well deserved girls night out...mhaw xx
What a head turner you will be and having a wonderful night with the girls and sweets it sounds Perfect!!
oh love your top! nice work.
J'aime beaucoup la tunique!!Amuses toi bien!The Red hill fair was just enough for going on "recovery mode" for a week pour moi!:)
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