My last "shopping trip" at my Mumma Bear's yielded not only this amazing artifact from my childhood but also the accompanying and equally cherished sewing basket. Still in lovely condition considering its home for the past 20 or so years I brought it home and happily stuffed it full of my needles, pins and other sewing paraphernalia.

Graffitied with my name and adorned with a whimsical drawing of a little girl and her duck I romantically believed that all my clutter...oh, I mean useful, couldn't be without sewing implements would be housed snugly inside. But alas, this gal has hoarded far more sewing accoutrements than one little basket can bear.

And so with mixed emotions I passed this beloved keepsake onto my heavenly Bijou. Sadness that I couldn't hold onto this relic and hence keep those beautiful childhood memories safe in my mind and stop them from slipping away into the land where lovely dreams go. But mostly joy! Joy at seeing my own little girl delighting at the colourful drawing, examining the workings of the cord hinge and finally filling it with her own sewing treasures.
And just as my baby basket was merrily carried off into the distance, I found the Mumma one! Tucked away in a local oppie, this regal old lady perched herself. She is so much bigger and more fitting to a seamstress of my age. And frankly, she is divine. With a quiet evening in order after a crazy retaining wall finishing off weekend (Yay my Hubby...you are a brilliant, brilliant man!!!) I think my new gal and I should get acquainted. And what better way than to fill her up with sewing loveliness. Hope your week is grand!!
Please pop into Sophie's ever inspiring blog and have a sneaky peak at all the other goodies uncovered and brought back to life by other thrifty folk.
How sweet that you've been able to pass your sewing basket down a generation. Imagine the years of sewing treasures that she'll be able to stow away in there!
regal is the very word. ;))
That is one amazing sewing box Steph!x
oh how wonderful great find and lovely to pass on your treasure to your little treasure
what lovely sewing baskets, full of treasures and treasured memories that now can also be filled by your little poppet : ) its so nice to be able to hand down your passions and love to your little girl i'm sure she'll love it as much as you! xo
what a wonderful find ... and to be able to pass yours on to your daughter. so nice.
My Flea Market Find
How sweet is that little sewing basket Steph and that you could give it to Bijou for her to create her own fond memories. I hope you've had a lovely weekend. xo
Steph, you made me smile. I still use my sewing basket which my godmother gave me when I was 10, nearly 30 years ago! It is red with Bambi on it - very 1970s - and I am looking forward to passing it on to my 2 year old daughter, just like you. Snap!
That is so sweet, I bet she can't wait to get into it and be creative like Mommy!
what a treasure for your daughter..maybe it wwill even go to a grand daughter some day.
I meant to say thats 2 amazing sewing boxes!xx
Its good that you have a little one to pass that lovely basket too...and now you have one too to fill. It looks great..bet it wasn't empty long.
Guess what Steph! I had the exact same pink sewing basket when I was little. I've still got it, and only recently upgraded to a new one as it just got too small. How lovely to know we have a shared memory. x
You are such a sweet mumma sharing your things:) Love it andthe fact that it is being past on again:)
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