This weekend has been a delightful whirlwind of markets, renovating and gorgeous family time. Saturday morning took me away from my nest for a while as I set up shop at the Bardon Market. And the evening called for an impromptu dinner out at our local Swiss Restaurant! With poppet dressed in her finest we took the senior citizen seating (6:00 o'clock) and indulged in country terrine, amuse bouches i.e. little wee prawn quiches, and a cheese fondue. Bliss!

And Sunday...ah Sunday! A sleep in (thank-you our honey girl!), bacon and eggs for brekkie á la Hubby and pottering/renovating in the backyard. The retaining wall is now complete, there is a gate at the top of the deck, most of the slats are undercoated and we eagerly await stairs from my Papa Bear so I can actually carry washing down stairs rather than schlepping a basket up and down a ladder. A ladder I might add, we found Bijou at the very top of this afternoon!! Mon dieu!

But look what we found amidst all the rubble of a backyard wall we had to knock down. As this house was built in the fifties and the wall was built at the same time (thanks neighbour for that important snippet of info.) then this perfume bottle must be from the fifties. And imagine my delight when I took off the dirt encrusted lid and could still smell the perfume! My guess is L'Air du Temps by Nina Ricci but I'm not certain. Can anyone remember this bottle adorning their Mum or Grand Mum's dresser?
For other vintage treasures please have a gander here. Hope your week is full of light and laughter.
What a gorgeous find! and still fragrant.
happy week Ms Steph ♥
merci sweet Steph ♥
what a lovely discovery! glad it was found by someone who appreciated it...
What an amazing find Steph!
I love that last photo.x
oh my golly gosh i used that perfume in the 60s..can't remember the name but i'm pretty sure it was by Nina Ricci, and it smelled very yummy. Thanks for the memories :)))))
wow -ee what a find! I can't believe that there was still a scent after all these years!! Your weekend sounded fab - have a great week filled with lots more sunny afternoons enjoying your renovated patch outdoors!
Oh my - I actually gasped when I saw those brooches! Sounds like a great week-end - can't help re the perfume though - Mum was a 4711 or Avon gal!
Ooh yes, Steph, I can smell it now! That brings back memories. Isn't it funny how perfume can do that? What a sweet treasure to unearth. Have a fabulous week J x
Very cute finds! ;)
Oh fun finds in the backyard -what fun:) How exciting. And LOL at the neighbour:)
How delightful! Treasure at your doorstep...
What a treasure, great find, Steph. I have nominated you for a beautiful blogger award over at my blog. Catch up again soon, enjoy :)
What a cool find from your very own backyard!
I was wondering if you had got the email I sent regarding the stocking swap? I sent it to the email address on your sidebar there. Let me know if you didn't get it.
Selina xx
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