Once upon a time in a tranquil land far away, two newlyweds on a second honeymoon decided to break up their relaxing holiday (read: sloth like existence) filled with spas, saunas, cheese and wine with a more vigorous activity...horse riding. The groom, a seasoned horseman eagerly anticipated saddling up and galloping into the wild, blue yonder whilst his bride (a first timer) tried hard to swallow the large lump in her throat.
When all the other jaunty equestrians joined their chosen horses in their stables there were pats, nuzzles and joyful whinnying all round. However, the bride's "gentle giant" Sammy, refused to partake in such frivolity and kept flashing "whites of his eyes showing" glances her way. Upon mounting her steed and joining the others, the brides eyes filled with fearful tears. Gallantly, the groom steered his dear Cedric over to calm the lass. Little did the groom know that Cedric was a bit of a joker and proceeded to pass wind in Sammy's face causing much "whites of the eyes" showing on Sammy's behalf.

After several hours and several bouts of Cedric's flatulence and more body shaking from fright than one bride can endure, a visibly annoyed Sammy struck back and with a disgruntled neigh reared up and took off with the bride clinging on for dear life. In front of fifteen strangers, the bride screamed in terror, "I want to get off...I want to get off... I want to get off....", in between child like sobs with mandatory runny nose included. Needless to say, after being tethered to the guide's horse and led all the way down the trail back to the camp, this bride vowed never to straddle a horse in this lifetime. And she never has! The end.

Back in pressie central, I've made a little unicorn for my niece using a lovely Melly and Me pattern and some yummy Tanya Whelan fabric. This is one member of the equine family that this girl would happily take for a spin around the paddock. Giddy up!!
Oh what a ride!! I don't blame you one bit, i think they just say "here's a nervous one, I'm gonna have some fun with this one!", and then proceed to terrify you!
What an exquisite unicorn! I'm sure your niece will adore it!!
hmm, it seems that "gentle giant" had a secret dark side... so glad you survived the experience!
definitely prefer that sweet little unicorn!
What a sweet little unicorn you have created.....much sweeter than the real thing I think. So happy you found some lights. Did you get the email today about having to have a cloth? See you Fri. x
That is sooo gorgeous, Steph... the unicorn that is... Love the fabric! Your niece is a lucky girl!
Have a fantastic week! x
oui, oui, I love the sweet little unicorn and prefer a happy ending.
gorgeous gift steph, she will definitely be making up stories about this one.
not only are a you a super, stylish and crafty mumma but a fabulous aunty whippping up a gorgeous unicorn that will be adored for many many years! No more horses necessary when we have cute unicorns to play with!!! Have a great week!
So that's the 'horse story' mentioned in your previous post! Not exactly the ideal honeymoon scenario. Sounds like it'll take a while till you can laugh about that one!
Adorable unicorn though!
Oh no, what a bumpy ride poor Steph! So glad you've recovered from the trauma! :)
Loving your little unicorn though. Very sweet. x
I LOVE this cute little horse! I'm a horse rider myself and had my 3rd advanced lesson on Saturday. I can tell you I've never been in so much pain in my life! I'm as stiff as a board at the moment! x
Lovely unicorn. I'm knitting one at the moment but it's not going to be quite as colourful as yours. Love the fabrics.
Oh no! What a terrible horseriding experience Steph I couldn't blame you for not hopping on another horse. I have a similiar tale of a horse taking off on one scared teenager, never to ride again. I much prefer your sweet little unicorn, very pretty colours.
Have a great week! xo
You were brave enough to get on the horse. I didn't even get that far. I feel every second of your terror as I read this post. Thanks heavens for the gorgeous unicorn to wipe away the bad memories.
I adore your unicorn it looks fabulous, my daughter would fall in love with it.
Your terrible experience with a horse is so sad, my sister had a similar one to yours and is now scared of them, probably forever.
Oh my! I think I would have done the same thing. The unicorn is adorable!
Oh my - you poor thing - will remember to keep yuaway from the pony's at the market on the weekend then:)
What a super sweet unicorn! Lucky niece :)
So pretty and magical. I love how she has roses on her cheeks to make them more rosy! xo m.
I love your horse story...Mimi and I are trying to work on Phil for a little pony!!
How did I miss your fantastic pink chair find!
Fabulous unicorn Steph! and thanks for sharing your story! You write beautifully!
Reminds me of a certain childhood memory which compels me never to jump in the saddle again too! Sounds terrifying!
I love Tanya Whelan's fabric and your unicorn is perfect.
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