Ahoy me hearties! You would be forgiven for thinking I had sailed off into the wide blue yonder in a little sailboat. And you wouldn't be too far from the truth. I, my friends, took myself and Bijou on a languid cruise to the Snotty Islands with a detour to the Bay of Coughs and finally anchoring at Vomit Reef.

Our journey was one of woe filled with tempests, rough seas and Nessie like monsters that go bump in the night! This was no P.N.O cruise liner with sumptuous buffets, cinema complexes, day spas and coco-nutty cocktails with those little paper umbrellas.
Oh no, no, no! This was a swabbing the deck, hoisting the sails and keeping eyes propped open with match sticks whilst on lookout in the crows nest kind of trip. So much so that there were times I contemplated walking the plank.
But through all the sludgy seaweed and misty, endless fogs I found time to sew some much needed Summer clothes for Bijou. Simple little garments made with sunny fabrics that made me smile. And heaven knows I needed that the last week!

A few little wee dresses in butter soft cottons, a little denim skirt and a t-shirt embellished with vintage doily sleeves, a scrappy flower and vintage buttons (embellishment that I cleverly attached to the back of the t-shirt ... to unpick it?....nah!!!!) and a few more things cut and ready to be finished off.

All in all this gal did get off Gilligan's island....looking rather more like Mrs. Howell than Ginger let me tell you right now.
Wishing you a week full of blue skies and calm seas.
I love that first dress. That fabric is perfect.
I hope *you* have a week of calm seas. Sounds like you need it :).
Although I am sad there was sickness in your home, you narrative made me smile. So did your sewing and those doily sleeves? So very awesome, if winter wasn't just around the corner here I would be making Wednesday a few of those!
oh Steph, the new outfits are all just so divine you are very clever! Hope you are all recovered, nothing worse than a sick household xx
I love al of them and I really like the little detail with buttons! Very cute:)
Hope you're well;)
Steph - you are funny! But it doesn't sound like you've been having much fun! I hope everyones feeling a bit better now. Our girls were ill last week, and now the little one has a cold - never ending!xx
Oh that's no good, I hope everyone is strong & healthy again very soon! Those sweet dresses are just lovely & I love the doily sleeves on the t...
Oh, Steph, thanks for the recommendation, oh lovely tour guide, but I don't think I'll enter those chartered waters! Oh, sending my deepest sympathies - that's no fun at all. I'm so pleased everyone's on the mend and Bijou is one lucky duck. I like the spotty one - will you also be whipping up any for your shop? J x http://lifeonplanetbaby.blogspot.com
A very entertaining story about a not-very-entertaining illness! I know how you feel about wanting to walk the plank when dealing with a sick child. It's so difficult and emotionally draining. Poor Bijou.
At least she has some absolutely stunning dresses to slip into when she's better. Gorgeous stuff. x
Oh adorable, glad she's better & just in time to wear those pretty frocks for sunshine & happiness. Love Posie
Hope everyone is feeling better now. The little cap sleeves on the top are stunning
Ha- well you see dear Steph, I did jump aboard that sailing ship me self me hearty and boy I was tempted to walk that plank or if not change the Amy Butler bright pink flag and swap it for a white one - I surrender!!!! - take me now you snotty brigade and your vomit and ear ache to boot! But lo and behold the sun shone (5 minutes in melbourne is a long time!!) and slowly slowly all is returning to normal. What a delightful wardrobe of summer beauties your Bijou has to twirl around it! And stitching on the back - Ha! that is sooo something I would do! Blissful days free of kleenex for you my dear xx
They are adorable Steph.. I cant believe you managed to still do KCWC while sick.. well done!
Hope you are all feeling better x
Happy to see you back and those clothes are just all to cute....gorgeous!
What beautiful outfits Steph and even more beautiful knowing that you must have felt like complete poo whilst making them. You are one clever chick. Did you use patterns for the outfits or make them up? Love the shirring. Do you back stitch at the beginning and end when you shir? Hope you are better now. x
Your dresses are gorgeous and LOVE , love the doiley sleeves! Hope Bijoux is feeling much better and you Too! x
wishing you a week of smooth sailing! You would never guess you'd been having such a horrible week judged by your sewing. The fabrics and designs are beautiful. love your choices.
Oh my - they are devine - I will have to pull my finger out and do something for Miss:) She is going to be the best dressed girl in town (A little knitting cardi in cotton would be devine - humm - thinking I will have to matchy it up for an upcoming birthday gift:)
Dont worry about the embellishment on the back - we are all human - pop an oversized yoyo on the front with a button:)
oh these dresses are soooo pretty made me smile I am so glad to see in the post above your little poppet is feeling much better
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