We've never been a family to celebrate "days" on their actual days. Presents are exchanged of course but more often than not, it's on a random day throughout the year because we found that special something we know the other would love. My Papa Bear is especially the case with this.

Not one to believe in the commercialism of Fathers' Day he would prefer impromptu special times together such as the serendipitous outing today. On the hunt for a new tent for Hubby I asked Dad to come along and offer some advice.

A loony meander through Anaconda where Bijou marched through each and every tent and bou-bou-bou (bounced!) on each air mattress ended with a pleasant trip to our favourite Paddington cafe for much needed debriefing and nourishment.

Lovely times with my dad and my girl...and new shoes to take out. My papa bears' days don't get much better than that. I'm off to the
BrisStyle Market tomorrow...should be grand! Hope your weekend is bliss.
Black singlet - cheapie from who knows where
Tiger singlet dress - Sportsgirl
Black stirrup leggings - Witchery
Grey leather jacket - Kenji
Khaki scarf - Sportsgirl
Scrummy new black sandals - Sportsgirl
Silver Watch - Dolce and Gabbana
Note: 9 Heads is a method of drawing fashion figures using the head as a measurement.
Love your outfit! The leather jacket is my favourite!
Enjoy your day at the market tomorrow!
Looking gorgeous as ever, Steph. Have a great market, and a fab Daddy's day with dear Hubby and Bijou:)
Stephanie - this HAS to stop at some point I mean this is getting utterly uncanny! I kid you not I was wearing a tiger top today also so similar to yours it is freaking me out a little. I wore it over a black top with black jeans but alas it was not warm enough for scrummy shoes like yours!!! wishing you an utterly crazy day at the markets and blissful rest to your weekend - stunning outfit! xx
Best gift i could ever give my father was naming my 1st born after him (feminine gaellic version of his name). He tells everyone he has 14 grandchildren but number 8 is named after him. Now proving handy as he insists on paying for her to go to private school for high school next year, ahhhhh, score!! I secretly think he helps pay for her cousins too. Anyway, rock the fashion Steph, Happy Father's Day to your husband too. My children love camping shows & diving into tents, easier to let them go free range & have fun, good test for genuine camping toughness. Love Posie
Great ensemble. You are a very yummy mummy!
I love the way you pull an outfit together and those SHOES. again missy a real head turner!!
OH those SHOES!!! fabulous!! Sounds like a lovely day! And the last post with your new play kitchen! Brilliant! I've seen those around the blog world a bit and think they are such a good idea!!
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