To say that I have had a few hair disasters in my time is a major understatement. The apprentice who chopped my 10 year old half way down my back hair into a lopsided bob that kept getting shorter and shorter as she tried to get it right.

The nasty encounter with a crimping iron (ooh yes, I was the belle of the year 6 ball....complete with seersucker capri pants, pink lightning bolt clip on earrings, a spiky fringe and an utterly flat chest...I had to beat those boys off!!) that resulted in third degree burns to the back of my head. The hair will never grow back so lucky piggy tails are something of the past.

A "creative curl" perm at an age when I should have known better. I desperately wanted cascaded waves á la Gisele Bunchen but ended up with something not dissimilar to a steelo pad!!

And recently, a young thang butchered my hair into a shaggy, razered mop. This afternoon, with Poppet safely deposited at Nana and Grandfathers I'm taking a much overdue pilgrimage into my beloved hair salon (yes I strayed away...but you always go back) for an overhaul. Wish me luck!
Lace top - Dotti
Grey harem pants - Sportsgirl
My fave sandals - Sportsgirl
Leather cuff - Witchery
Victorian filigree bangle - Antique shop in Paris
Tiffany and co. bracelet - Oh my hubby, you are a gem!
Note: 9 Heads is a method of drawing fashion figures using the head as a measurement.

You look great! I have to say that I have had a couple of hair disasters. I now drive 3 1/2 hours to have my hair done!
Oh Stephy, I too was the victim of much hair disasters most remembered was the pixie crop I got when I was about 12 and with matching new braces, i just looked tragic!!! I love your outfit and of course no surprise I have those pants in black sitting patiently in my wardrobe for a sunny day! Those sandals are divine too...enjoy your arvo of 'me time' and sneak in a coffee and some window shopping xx
Good luck my dear - hope it goes well and that you walk out stunning. I wish that I could keep up the just stepped out of the salon look. Will have to catch up next week - I did pop over this morning but you had already left in preparation for getting beautiful.
You little high style diva your always so cute!! Have fun at the salon I can't wait to see the new do!
What a beautifully and creatively written post Steph - hope the haircut is all the success you deserve. Have a great weekend x
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