She flits between trees on sandaled tippy toes. She gently pats the bark of a tree as if it were an old friend. She hovers and pauses to examine an insect...a piece of bark...a pattern in the mud and then in a flash...flits off again.

She makes me smile in her wings.... the ones Mumma bought from the op shop for $2 ...but mostly her own arm wings she holds out behind her as she scoots about. She delights in her little wee costume made with love by Mumma.

Her bird calls that Daddy has taught her are varied and amusing. She makes my heart sing with her Kookaburra noise complete with tummy slapping belly laugh.
In what seems an instant this fairy flew into my life, sprinkled her golden sunshine on everything she touched and grew far too quickly. I know it's wrong to want to pop her into a jar and watch her glow and flitter about inside. Would that stop time?
She is precious and magic. I will let her grow her wings and fly! Don't fly too fast...or too far my little fairy.
For other star dusty spaces please flit over here.
What a sweet post, she looks just lovely. They sure do grow way too fast...
Just beautiful Steph, gorgeous photos. It does fly by too fast, doesn't it, enjoy your fairy princess:)
I understand the urge to bottle all of that - but at the same time each day is a new adventure, and if you stopped time at any one precious moment, think how many more would be lost...
Thank goodness for photos and videos!! now we can have our cake and eat it too! :)
Okay, Steph, you made me cry...again. Your little fairy is so sweet---enjoy her!
What a sweet little story and sweet little fairy in her dress. Little girls love to twirl so that skirt would be so much fun! Speaking of skirts and dresses, those ones in the post below are just adorable - one very well dressed little fairy bijou! Hope your house is all sickness free now!
They do grow so fast. I would love to keep my two little for longer but it doesn't work. Your little poppet looks so precious in her wings and fairy outfit. You clever thing!
ps your link on Kootoyoo isn't working.
Your little poppet is so sweet in her dress flittering around like a sweet little fairy does. I wish we could keep them small forever too as I watch my first grow bigger it's sad but wonderful at the same time. Have a wonderful day. xo
your little fairy is so sweet so is her costume I bet she loves the new Tinkerbell movie I do!!!
my heart skipped a beat when i read your post - just too true! I watch my little delights grow and astound me everyday wondering why its all going so fast. Oh how i wish I could flitter about in a delightful little lemon fairy costume all day! the joy. hugs and kisses to the fairy and her sparkly mumma xx
So sweet Steph! xo
Oh this is just so delightful and enchanting. Gorgeous.
I am most impressed that she keeps her hair clip in!!!
So sweet! Love what you said about letting her grow wings :)
Such a sweet costume for a sweet girl.
Beautifully written :-) Love the clothes in the previous post - well done!
What a lovely sweet post and what a little tresure your fairy is!
I know what you by putting her in a little jar! time goes to quickly...such a beautiful fairy and special memories for you both. Happy Friday Steph x
Beautiful Steph - the fact that you hold onto these moments so dearly will keep her from growing too fast. Have a lovely weekend x
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