Have you ever wondered why the French are renowned for their culinary skills? Well besides the fact they use the freshest, seasonal produce and cook it simply to highlight it's lusciousness...they use the best tools they can afford. One simply would not find a"Sam's Warehouse or Crazy Clark's" item of cookware in any self respecting Gallic kitchen. Quelle Horreur!

Wooden chopping boards are seasoned, knives are sharpened regularly and pots and pans are of the highest quality to minimise cooking times and maximise flavour.

Well perhaps it was one too many thimblefuls of Côte du Rhône whilst watching Rick Stein's French Odyssey (no, we still haven't connected up to commercial television but my library card sure cops a beating with all the cooking DVDs I borrow from the library!) or maybe just an ample dash of joie de vivre but this little French cast iron beauty came home with me today.

Monsieur le Creuset weighs an absolute tonne and will no doubt out live me! He is also a very dashing sapphire blue. And as we speak, he is gently stewing lamb shanks in the oven permeating this little abode with a swoon worthy aroma (nearly scorched off my eyelashes as I lifted the lid for a taste of the heavenly jus!). Lashings of mash made with butter and a smidgen (o.k. a dollop!) of cream.
Vive la France!
It's wonderful to think that the pot might outlive you.. and somewhere down the track a woman moving out of home for the first time might be given it and told "this was grandma's pot (or great grandma's) that she used to cook in"
You can't say that about many things that you buy these days.
Makes me want to go out and buy all new pots!!
Haha! I should've known that you would have pots with french names... ;)
Mmmm..... dinner sounds delish. xo
Ooer - tres poshe. I can only afford the faux le creusets. They will most definitely not outlive me. But they do a commendable (formidable!) job. Enjoy.
Perfect timing coming into winter. I have the exact same pot ( although now not as sparkling) You must try and oven baked risotto - so easy and so yum........Wish I was at yours for dinner tonight..enjoy!
Oh twinne i was just in Harris Scarfe today oodling over the le crueset on sale - although i couldn't decide on a colour!!! I love having lovely cookware - it makes for fun adventures in the kitchen!!! Oh i think i can smell those lamb shanks xx
Ah, heavenly, Steph. I adore ours and that colour is to die for. Bon appetit! J x
I am a fan of Le creuset dishes. As you say, they are heavy! Lovely shade of blue.
Isabelle x
You are going to love living with this:)
I have 3 (yes 3, in different sizes) I have been cooking with them for almost 20 years ever since I house sat for a friend who owned one. I was hooked immediately. I use them every single day for everything!
I also have the blue, it doesn't look so shiny now:(
Enjoy Mooloolaba, the weather up here is amazing today.
ooohhh - love this Steph!!
I have the same in orange, and a huge round one in this blue too.
(and the hanging saucepan set we got in France)
Just the best to cook with - you are going to love it!X
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