Thank you so very, very much to all those wonderful souls who have contributed to this drive! Hope Softies has now closed.
A giant merçi to the lovely ladies who have contacted me already to make a wee softie for a munchkin whose lost everything as a result of the Queensland floods. At present there are literally thousands of Queenslanders making emergency shelters their home. It is highly probable that they will be there for quite some time as the water slowly subsides and electrical checks are done on their homes. Then the mammoth task of cleaning them up begins.
All I ask of you to is make one small softie (or oodles if you like!!!) to provide a child in these shelters a small comfort and hope that people are rallying behind them....that the world is a good place. They don't need to be grand and small enough to pop in a bag and conserve vital space. This would be merely an afternoons job for you that would provide immeasurable comfort!
There are a bazillion free dolly and softie patterns on this giant technical spider web but have a look here and here for a few ideas. And thanks to jennadesigns for this link too.

Please leave a comment with your email address expressing your desire to help so I can send you my address (we are quite close to one of the main shelters so I can deliver them as they arrive) and take this my little "Hope Softies" button and display it on your blog with a link back here to encourage others to jump on board.
Also, don't forget the brilliant sales and auctions taking place to raise money. Mine's here and she's a beauty!! And if you're not a softie maker but a quilter please offer your talents to the ever amazing Corrie of retromummy"s Quilts for Queensland drive!
Thanks so much for your support! My heart aches with the magic of this blogging community!! x x
This is such a beautiful idea! I would love to make one! My email address is sophieisobeldesigns(at)hotmail.com
Thank you so much for organising this!
Sophie x
Please count me in! My email is:
Poor little ones. Not being at home must be terribly scary and confusing for them.
If I could find one speck of time, I would do this. I would take my hopeless sewing hands and give it a go. But, alas, I cannot spare the time (I actually need to get off the blog and get back to work!). But I think what you are doing is fabulous and important. x
Brilliant idea here Steph!
I have a few dolls/softies for you to take in. We are moving to NSW next week, so I will have to send them asap! (before the shipping company pack up all our stuff)
So glad you guys are all okay.XX
HI, I'd love to help out! You can email me at info@piperandlily.com.au
this is a fantastic idea. I popped over here from your comment at 'Meet me at Mikes'. I'd love to make a couple of Softies to donate. My email is hellofallow(at)yahoo.co.nz
I didn't know if I had the energy to do anything but last night things just went together. I've drawn a simple design and found the fabric so please count me in too. It may take a week or so though.My email is
Please count me in too. My e-mail is jennadesigns@gmail.com
Wonderful idea Steph!
I’ve blogged about it here: http://dollydonations.blogspot.com/2011/01/help-children-of-queensland-floods.html
Facebooked, tweeted etc, I really hope I can help get the word out!
I know everyone in the Dolly Donations community will love to help.
Take care, Sarah
Here is a link to some great softies... excellent patterns. These are free, but I've purchased others and they are very well done!
Hi! I'd love to help out! My email is nat@littlepuddles.com.au
Thank you so much for organising this!
Nat x
Great idea Steph, ive got a little dolly here that needs finishing off so i will do that and pop her in the post! wayneandlou@westnet.com.au
I may not be able to help straight away Steph, but I definitely want to try - count me in!
Cam x
mscurlypops (at) gmail (dot) com
I will! littletweetheart@gmail.com
Lovely idea Steph!
I have some little gnomes ineed of a new home. My email is pint@netspace.net.au
fabulous Steph!
I wish I could but I have never made one before. if inspiration strikes I will let you know.
goodluck ♥
Yes - I will help. (visiting from mira narnie)
I'll do my best this weekend
Count me in. I'd love to add a softie to your thoughtful efforts. I've been baking Anzac biscuits tonight, for hubby to take with him when he volunteers tomorrow in the clean up effort, with his ute, sump pump and generator. I've been bottling up water, gathering garbage bags and old tea towels and trying to think what else to pack for him tomorrow while I look after our little one.
I'd like to help too! My email is: bgellie@gmail.com I have a couple of things made already but will make some more, Bron
Wonderful, count me in
Thanks for organising this, have a great weekend
Anything to light up a small face!!
I'd love to make one.
I'd love to help too!
sandra (at) eagerhands (dot) com (dot) au
Please add me to your list - I have some dollies already made to send for the children in need in Queensland. Let me know how else I can help. vinsdotter5@gmail.com
Jan xx
Please count me in, this is a really lovely idea.
My email address is babygalah@hotmail.com
Cheers, Dee x
Hi, please also count me in. I have felt so helpless watching the devastation in QLD, whilst sitting in comfort watching TV. I'd love to do something to help, no matter how small.
I would love to send a softie (or two) ! my email is snoodlestudio(at)gmail.com
I would love to help. tawnyavern@msn.com
I'm coming from dollydonations. I live in an area of the midwestern US that was severely flooded 3 years ago, and recovery is so slow. Would be honored to help a child or two during this hard time.
Lovely idea - only too happy to join in - I want to cry when I think of how distressed the little ones must be.
I can't make a softie, but I've put your button in my sidebar and in my post today. xx
I personally can not sew... but I know there are many sewers in my etsy team... I am going to pass this post to them... Im sure some of them would love to help...
Super wonderful work Steph, some very lucky Queenslanders will be getting lots of handmade softie goodness soon. I'm doing auctions, raffles, donations & my husband is up there doing recoveries, but will spread the word. Love Posie
I would love to be involved. my email is Michelle@poppybeanandbloss.com.au
Yes I have some dollies here ready to go - is it OK if some are a bit bigger than the ones you have pictured? My email address is:
This a lovely idea and will bring a smile to many children that need it right now. Count me in and I will see if anyone in my craft group would like to participate too. Ames
I'm in...I think this is a fantastic idea.
Will try and get a few into the post by the end of next week :)
Hello Steph, thanks so much for your kindness. I would love to contribute something handmade - we are moving in 2 weeks and I have packed most craft bits - so it may be a month away. Here is my email address anyway...
squigglyrainbow at hotmail dot com
Thanks again
I've been stuck in a softie making rut of late, but this is a pretty good reason to try and get out of it...
Yes Please :)
beckyetal at hotmail dot com
I would love to help out Steph and have started sewing up a couple of softies to give to little ones. My email is ATimetoCreate@optusnet.com.au
Thank you for starting such a wonderful drive xo
My heart is heavy for those in the flooded areas. Thanks for organising a small way to help. I am needing your address please. hegamo at xtra dot co dot nz
I would really like to do this, but I live in the UK, can I still take part?
Email is:
helen_fisher at hotmail.com
I have been making dolls this weekend and would love to donate a couple. Thankyou for organising this toy drive :)
email adddress
Hi Steph, would love to make a little doll - just got a softies book out from the library and can think of no better way to try out the patterns.
I'd love to make some sofites to cheer a few kids up! Count me in.
Happy to help! I have two ready to go.
hey steph!
i'd love to help out as long as knitted softies are ok?
what a great idea!
Hi Steph
lovely idea - please count me in:
Great idea, I'll see what I can do.
I will post about it on my blog too, lots of people are looking for ways to help.
I'd like to try and help - a bit up and down with my pregnancy but if I'm well next weekend I shall help!
renaej at gmail dot com
Great idea!
Hi Steph. I just found you through the lovely Maureen at Daydream Living. Your softie drive has brought tears to my eyes, what a wonderful idea! If I can catch up with making my garlands I would love to make a softie for your Hope Softies ~ Tina x
email: tmrubie@gmail.com
I would love to make a Steiner dolly for a child.
My email is; joyinmyfeet@aapt.net.au
Thanks for organising this lovely idea
Hi Steph,
I would love to help and have two ready made and ready to post my email is
my blog is
Thanks for organizing this,
love Val xx Oxfordshire UK
what a fantastic idea, I'd love to be involved. My email address is dillemmalou(at)yahoo.com
What a gorgeous idea! My email is bronwynbeazley(at)gmail.com
I have blogged and Facebooked this idea as well, so hopefully you get a few extra softies!
I would love to be involved! My email address is rachel@thetwowindmills.com. Thanks for organising this.
Hi there, I think what you're doing is amazing and I would love to help! rachael.kearley@gmail.com
Hi :)
I would love to be involved. I have currently made 5 dolls and plan to make at least another 7. It would be great to have a place to post them to!
Hi Steph,
Great idea!
I'll be posting about this today on the rainbow blog. We are celebrating the colour yellow this month, so your softies button is perfect!
Plus I've been calling out for anyone wanting to get involved in the rainbow comfort packs for kids who have been affected by the floods.
Your softies drive is a perfect match.
I would love to be involved. I currently have a few softies in the stash that need a home and I plan to do some more sewing later in the week. My email is madebythreebs(at)gmail(dot)com
I shall see what I can do! I found your blog today and love it by the way! Say hello to your newest follower! :)
Love and Blessings
please email me with more details
Hi Steph, I would love to help, I am a big softie fan and love making them, I will be only too happy to help. Kind Regards, Treann.
Thanks for organising this! I would love to contribute. My email is redchocolate@ymail.com
I'd love to sew a softie. Thanks so much for organising this. x owletmama@gmail.com
This really touches my heart...I finally received Hillary's book for Christmas and just this week I bought all the materials to make my baby girl her first doll! I've been imagining how much she's going to love it. But I couldn't ignore your appeal. I'd be willing to donate one to this cause. Count me in. My email is paula (dot) titel at gmail. Thanks!
When is the deadline? I would like to send a doll.
Email: whisperingdragon32 at yahoo dot com
Great minds think alike...
I hope a truckload of softies come your way!
Hey Steph,
I'd love to help. My email address is retrobird@bigpond.com
Lots of Love,
Mel xx
I have some already made you can have. eliza@elizasart.com
Thanks for doing this :)
me too ... address is mantahay@yahoo.com.au ... thanks :)
Happy to help, just send me your address and I will make some up. bettsykingston@gmail.com
My mum used to make rag dolls, I will send in what she has left over :)
thanks Vicki
hi! I'd like to join in:)
Such an amazing idea Steph! I have just donated to the relief Fund and added my name to MiraNarni's pay it forward list so she will sew one up for me! Thank you to her and you! xo m.
i am new to your blog via tina @ rubies place...
i think you are just wonderful...i have 3 children and i know my 5 year old would love nothing more than a softie after losing all of hers in something as devastating as the floods australia is facing...
as an aussie family living in the countryside in england our hearts have been breaking watching footage of so many families at home....people like you make all the difference...
i have written about you in my post today-if you have a moment i'd love you to read it....we've not known one another through blogging at all...but i think you are amazing...
thank you on behalf of all the people you have encouraged to do something small that means so much , and is very big in a childs life...
melissa x
i am going to make some now before scholl pick-up
I have some dollies I just made that I would love to send.
I would like to help make some dolls. How about pillowcase dresses for these girls too?
I would love to help!
Please send me your address so I can mail some sweet dollies to you!
Hello Steph. I think what you are doing will bring a smile to so many faces!
Could you send me your address so I can post something to you!
Love Brenda
Oui, i will definitely help out
Ali & Sabine
Good on you, lovely idea! Just letting all the ladies know there are lots of other ways to help out if they are not craftily inclined, we've blogged about a few ideas here: http://peppermintmag.com/a-flood-of-kindness/
I'm sure all the kids who get softies will treasure them!
If your house is not inundated with softies, I'd love to contribute Steph. Please send me your address and I'll have something in the post for you.
Since I first read your post I've been working on a Softie for this but I wasnt sure if I would have time to get one finished, but I finished her last night. Could you tell me where to send her? I hope it's not too late now.
Hey Steph, this is awesome! Thanks so much for your work on this, I'd love to contribute a few softies, email me your address and I'll pop them in the post rebecca@edwardandlilly.com
Thanks so much for organising this. Please email me at prairieofprax(at)yahoo.com.au
Great idea. Count me in. could you send your address to my email? Thanks, and Godbless. cassie@hoodfamily.org.au
i would love to help out - please contact me on mailmoomi@gmail.com
thanks so much :)
regards, candice x
Hi ,i have 3 softies ready to send to you....aminya8@spin.net.au...great thing you are doing ...norma:)
I'd love to help with this - am fairly new to sewing, but received an amazing sewing machine for Christmas and am keen to use it for some worthwhile projects :)
My email address is lotti_02(at)hotmail(dot)com
Hi - I would love to help... let me know what I need to do :-) Cat
Ive just hosted a 'softies' party and my gorgeous friends have created some softies for me to send to you. My email is eliciab@bigpond.com
Thanks for the great idea!
Hi there I have already made two softies to send to you if you could email me that would be great
This is so wonderful... I would like to contribute...
my emailaddress is gwenneke0512(at)hotmail(dot)com
I'm a 40-year old mum of 2 wonderful children, living in Belgium - Europe
I would love to help out and make a softie. Please email your address
Many Thanks
I'd love to help. My email is thebell01 at hotmail dot com
I'm in New Zealand, but I really want to help and am happy to post to Australia. Please email me; teresa at teresaronayne dot com. I can make lots. Do you want knitted dolls as well? Looking forward to hearing from you!
Hi, long time no talk!
I could get a quick update from you so that I can wrap this up on my blog (I’ve been getting a few e-mails from people and I had no idea you’d closed it! Whoopsy!).
How many did you collect in the end and did you ever mange to snap a group photo?
Congratulations on a successful drive!
Take care and Happy Sewing,
Dolly Donations: Sending Love, 1 Dolly at a Time!
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