Friday, March 26, 2010

Le Début - { The Beginning }

Ah, the beginning of something new! I am the queen of preparing for a new project...finding the perfect thing to make, kitting myself out with some new tools and materials, making myself a cup of tea and snuggling down into a comfy that the washing machine finishing I can hear? Yes, it is true. I am super at preparing for things but a little shabby at getting started and worst of all...finishing them. Not this time! It is time to challenge this little black duck and complete something that pushes me out of my comfort zone...and maybe grow a little in the process.

I haven't knitted since I was a braces wearing (teeth, that is), spiky fringe and poodle perm donning (oooh, scary I know!), didn't need a bra til grade 10, teenager. Many a scarf were made. Correction, begun but never finished. And one really big itchy jumper that my beautiful Mum took over in the end to put me (and possibly her) out of misery. With the recommendation of the gorgeous Corrie at Retro Mummy I have decided to tackle a simple little Debbie Bliss cardigan for poppet. Mum has given the go ahead. She perused the pattern and has claimed it looks do-able...for me. I know she wouldn't lie because if all goes pear shaped she knows who will be donning her Wonder Woman cape and coming to the rescue! Pattern, check...yummy wool...check. Now to find that perfect spot to start!

We are off to the Sunny Coast today so that my lovely man can compete in the Mooloolaba about completing something! Whoa, what an accomplishment. It ain't pretty though as I blubber not only for him but for each and every heart wrenching soul that runs past in that final leg with nothing moving their tired pins along but sheer determination and persistence. If this weekend doesn't provide inspiration for my little knitting project nothing will. I have packed the pattern, my needles and one ball of wool (let's not get too ambitious!) to begin with. Bang...and they're off and racing!


Kathy said...

You go girl, knit away my little fearless friend! Good luck to Daz for the Tri, have a great weekend.

Corrie said...

ohhhhh what a pretty blog you have! at last I'm here to read it! perfect!

oh that debbie bliss yarn looks absolutely adorable! good luck! your blog is gorgeous and look forward to reading more........

Marina said...

What divine coloured yarn that is! Ooh, it makes me want to have a go as well. But I've decided that I'm re-trying crochet this Easter holidays.....

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