My creative space this week is akin to a ride in the dentist's chair without pethadine! I excitedly...boldly....just plain stupidly entered the world or crochet a few Tuesday nights ago as I began a wee course to learn this art.

Armed with my Grandyma's old metal hooks it was clear from the beginning that this was definitely not going to be a craft I could wing! Two hours later....the investment of a new crochet hook that I can only describe as having training wheels....and countless swear words (in my head!) I produced this avant garde triangle wash cloth. Apparently I was a little too big for my boots and taught myself to decrease. Shame I didn't even realise!!

The next week saw a teensy glimmer of a silver lining in the dark cloud that had become my world of crochet and by the end...my first ever granny square! I was...and still am...super chuffed with this one.

And then in the comfort of my home no doubt egged on by my new found granny square confidence I had a crack at a little flower pattern. And lo and behold....a flower I made (albeit a rather wonky one!).
Tonight is the last night of the course and although I won't be returning home with a much coveted vintage inspired afghan rug for poppet's bed, I will hopefully have the blossomings of a new craft nestled safely into my brain.
To see what other little crafty souls have been up to, pop over

Good luck with your crocheting! IT is the right season for it and I am sure if you perservere you will find it gets better. I crochet sporadically, in winter usually, and it is a great craft to have in the car. A few granny squares make a great rug! BTW what is the yarn you are using? It doesn't look like wool.
I set up a little crochet class starting last saturday. I loved it and managed to crochet an edge to a blanket. Totally addicted now. Can't wait for next class am gonna tackle the granny square. Nice work on your flower.
I love the wonky square - it's just like the wonky squares I make to remind myself I shouldn't make them! And the ones I knit to remind myself it's just not my bag!! You are progressing well... well done you!!
I am so impressed!!! I can't crochet but have everything here I need to start...have been putting it off, putting if off. I love that you have shown your progress -That first wash cloth has a lot of character : ) You can only make your first piece once - that's pretty special. Well done! PS. Saw a garland made with a little flower like yours about every 25cm along the stretch of yarn - Even at this stage you're now capable of making something sweet like that!
Yeah good on you:) Crochet is sooo much fun and perfect for this coold winter we're having. Your granny square has come up a real treat Steph, what out you'll be addicted before you know it:) Enjoy your last class tonight. xo
thats gorgeous Steph! I have firmly tied my hands behind my back whenever I have thought of crochet this year, I find it so addictive and have so many quilting projects that I need to be finishing first! good luck xx
Sheesh, Steph, how cool are you! You're already making those sweet little flowers that I love so much. Maybe crochet isn't as beyond me as I thought. I'm inspired by your gameness! x
Your flower is gorgeous! I have just started knitting and would love to crochet but I think one thing at a time! I'm very impressed with your efforts!
This is inspiring! I'm just starting to learn how to crochet (I'm sure I used to know how to do it!). It's a little trickier than I thought, but I'm getting there :)
Your crochet looks great!
yippeeee lovely girl!!! that granny square will have the granny's tickled pink (literally too!) good on you for going to a class - i just bumbled my way through and can only manage a granny square and a little love heart - but i totally want to make some of those flowers, they are tres cute! Enjoy your new sport, i mean craft xx
Excellent effort on the crochet. You're triangle wash cloth looks very similar to my first attempt.
I also felt a bit a more successful after completely a granny square and I think I really got the hang of crochet when I started doing circles. Not sure if I've crocheted anything square since
Love it - I have started doing little hexi's and they are so cute. Will have to teach you those too. Am giving Posie a lesson in a few weeks:)
Isn't crochet just so addictive? I did some classes in February and love how you can actually make and complete something so quickly. I know have about 4 unfinished projects though as I keep going on and off my colour choices or I don't follow the instructions properly and mess something up. This weather certainly inspires some picking up the hook again though. Your flower is fantastic for a very new beginner.melx
Good on you for sticking with it. You are a lot further along the crochet path than me. Looking good!
I tried to teach myself with books and youtube but all I make is....definitely awful... "choses ou trucs" of which my cat doesn't even dare looking at...Argh! I must take a class, you seem to manage pretty well!!! I'm green with envy :D
Hmm i am intrigued? do you work in the dental industry? who else would associate penthrox? I love granny squares and your little flower glued onto a hair clip will be great for poppet. Stacey
Ha ha. I have the same problem with my crochet squares! But you've nailed it with the flower. :)
Love the yarn!
Love the flower too!
clever you! My crochet attempt resulted in a mishappen little blanket suitable for only for the little people doll house.
These look very similar to my first crochet attempts. At first I thought it seemed like the most impossible thing to master and I nearly gave up in frustration (as did my mother-in-law who was teaching me) However, after a while it kind of clicked and whilst I'm still far from being an expert, it is getting easier. Looking forward to seeing your creations x x
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