A huge heartfelt thank-you to all you lovelies who have sent warm wishes our way! Yes, the
exciting project in the works for me involved the growing of eyebrows, wee little limbs and brain cells as opposed to a children's clothing empire. And life couldn't be grander!

After the queasy fog of the first trimester where changing from my pj pants to tracky pants was an effort of gargantuan proportions (thank-you sooo very much my cherished friends who forgave my late ...or even non existent replies to phone call, texts and the like....and dropped gorgeous casseroles off to nourish us!), these last few weeks have been all sunshiney!
Even a spot of op shopping was managed! Hello vintage world, what do you have for me today?!!

How could I possibly resist this wee little blue bird egg cup holder for mon petit poppet. You remember her "
blue bird shol" phase? Well it hasn't waned and nor has her voracious appetite! Boiled organic free range eggs with yolks so yellow you need your sunnies on to look at them with fresh baguette and real butter was the lunch du jour. C'était parfait!!

Oh!! How did I miss that last post? Huge congrats to you and your beautiful family Steph! What wonderful news... perhaps a cot quilt might need to be made?? Michelle xx
I missed that last post too!!! Huge congratulations! Sorry to hear that you've had it tough, but glad to hear that things are looking up.
Love your egg cup! Just what we all had for brekky (minus the fancy egg cup) this morning.
Yay! back to op-shopping, you must be getting that spurt of energy back! I once saw a t-shirt that read "I'm so crafty, i make people!" I thought it was rather cute! You are a clever cookie for snapping up that adorable egg cup! I love the look of that egg too - hmmmmm, love farm fresh organic eggs! Stay away from that soft yolk mumma bear! b xx
Oh soft boiled eggs & soldiers, or as my children call them "daddies". Glad to see you blogging again, such exciting reasons for the delay as you create another baby, love Posie
What a cute egg cup - well done on the find. I am looking forward to the school holidays where the morning ritual is not so ritual and I am able to give my muchkins eggs and toast:) Shall have to catch up - Miss A has been asking to see Miss B - and Mr B - well you know he has a soft spot for you.
That egg cup is so divine. I'd want to eat eggs from it too! xx
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