Complete with asbestos walls, rusty taps and plug holes, a too short terrazzo floor that prompted me to paint a safety strip in yellow craft paint when I took a trip and nearly ended up head first in the loo. But most importantly...the old man B.O. smell that permeated the room on damp days that no amount of vinegar, pine-o-clean...or bleach (heaven forbid!) could abate!!

And the gaping hole where a decrepit old chipboard linen cupboard once stood filled with a gleaming frameless shower screen wrapped in plastic (found for a song in the weekend shopper) taunting me for a good year. Ah such a haven!!!!

But not for long. My "sanctuary" is being overhauled by my very own man of steel! Hubby has taken a few weeks off work and is single handedly renovating this monstrosity whilst poppet and I are staying with Momle and Falof. We have done all the renos so far in this house together so it's been trés hard to leave him on his own. But oh the progress...!!

And so long asbestos walls (and the man is a safety freak so don't fret) and what turned out to be a cast iron bath...that he removed on his own!

Welcome new plumbing and wall sheeting ...yes he did it all himself!

Bonjour to a new bath frame courteous of my hero.

Oh how do you do gleaming new bath?

Please come in and make yourself at home gorgeous new floor tiles...

and gleaming white wall tiles!
I've popped in today sans my girl to visit this star of a man and make him some patty cakes and caramel slice to keep his spirits...and sugar levels up. He has done every drop of this reno on his own and I couldn't be more proud of him and awe struck at what he can take his hands to. I have to take off my hat, beanie, beret, mouldy old shower cap, sombrero etc. etc. to his AMAZING skill. But more than that...his perseverance!
You are an absolute champion my love. Merçi a million times over for making us a new bathroom.....bring on that rubber ducky!!!
wow Steph!! bet you can't wait to see it in all it's finished glory. how exciting! and what a good man you have there. worth his weight in gold for sure! happy easter to you all!
Oh Steph, how gorgeous, please keep us updated! Michelle xx
How exciting Steph!
And brilliant that he can do all this himself!! Can't wait to see the finished bathroom!XX
oh wow! what a champion! it's looking fantastic! What skill!
WOw, what a huge undertaking...well done to your man. It is going to look a m a z i n g when completee!!
Oh Lucky you! So jealous over here; my bathroom is ten times worse than your "before" & my man ten times less handy! ;)
Oh my he is a hero a pretty bathroom is a girls best friend It makes cleaning so much brighter too! Have a Happy Easter, will you go on an Easter egg hunt? Mimi can't wait.
wow! so exciting - wishing you a happy easter (with maybe even more progress on the bathroom front?) xo
Yay yay yay. Hats off to him indeed. Should we organise a meet up next week? B and I could come got a drive and we could check into a coffee house and we could hit an opshop in your old haunts:). It looks fab. Shall have to bring my norwex over do I can show you how easy cleaning it will be.
What a wonderful job your man is doing. We have a tiny bathroom and I can't wait to see how yours looks after its' makeover as it looks as though you are being creative with space as well. Mel.
Oh wow, that is one well refurbished bathroom to last a life time - in quality & style. I do love your hero worship for your fabulous husband, you two are so adorable. Oh i long for a gorgeous huge bath, i'll make it a bath for two - just so i can star fish & go underwater, luxury!! Wishing you a delicious bath a.s.a.p. Love Posie
Your old bathroom was really special - one to avoid even renting rather than actually owning! Your bathroom busting husband seems to have EVERYTHING under control. Phew, what a man!
Exciting! Can't wait to see the finished result :)
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