Saturday, April 30, 2011

Grateful for....Nature!

We have been waking up to rain falling on our tin roof more often than not lately. Heaven! It has however, taken nearly three years away from the classroom to actually enjoy hearing this noise on an early morn as opposed to causing me to sit bolt upright at 5:30 am declaring "OH NO! Wet lunch today!!!" to all and sundry. Now the teachers out there will understand me perfectly, But for the others...picture rained in (read: loopy loo!) children from all the prep classes (last count...about 70!) eating their lunch in the undercover area and spending ALL day inside without a chance to let off steam while their frazzled teachers take turns for a wee break....mmm.....let me tell you, it ain't pretty!!

Yesterday's rainy morning granted us another lovely start to our day with THE biggest slug leaving his silvery trail along our path. Now poppet is only two but she has a decent set of hooves on her so hopefully this gives you some sort of idea of how big this beauty was.

Ah to live the slow paced life of a slug!

I finally joining in with this lovely lady again after what seems ages! So grateful to have such a lovely blogger to let me shout out about my gratefulness!!!

Friday, April 29, 2011

My Creative Space - A Mountain of Washers!

Well mon petit fille and I are finally home! Yes, the bathroom renos continue...a little slower now that Hubby is back at work...but continuing nonetheless. And yes, we are still bathing in a large plastic crate (I try to imagine it is a vast copper urn and I am washing my milky white skin as a maid pours china jug after china jug of steaming water into it á la a Victorian lady...actually it's Hubby topping up the hot water from the kitchen sink with a tupperware jug...and the crate is bright, bright blue....oh the humanity!). But we're nearly there!!!!

Neither grand nor terribly clever, I too have been whiling away every spare moment in preparation of the grand bathroom unveiling knitting up a bundle of washcloths. If you recall the disaster that was my first attempt back at knitting you may remember I decided that sticking to washers might be a way to learn how to walk before I learn to fly....

Well after a few garter stitch and stocking stitch affairs I pushed my knitting boundaries a little.

After a few times unravelling and starting again (o.k., many times!) I can now proudly say that I understand a wee bit more of the quirky code that knitters refer to as a pattern. There's the yf (bring the yarn to the front of your work), Sl1 (slip one stitch to the other needle), psso (pass a knitted stitch over the top of the next one)....and the code goes on!

My most "chuffiest" of creations was the wavy one. Due to the magic of the pattern, it started out straight and then before my very eyes with an elaborate combo of yf's, Sl1's and psso's the delicate wave emerged.

And what new bathroom would be complete without it's own little slice of Paris. C'est Parfait!

I found all the patterns online using free washcloth knitting patterns as a google search and found simply oodles! Perhaps it's time to try another garment...insert ominous music here and shrieks of horror!!!

For other crafty lasses (and perhaps lads) hop, skip and jump over here.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The Bathroom - Part One

I'd love to be able to say that I've been gaily parading dans la Tuileries garden in my beloved Paris as the reason for my blogging absence of late but alas my excuse is far less romantic!

Meet my bathroom! Ain't she grand?!

Complete with asbestos walls, rusty taps and plug holes, a too short terrazzo floor that prompted me to paint a safety strip in yellow craft paint when I took a trip and nearly ended up head first in the loo. But most importantly...the old man B.O. smell that permeated the room on damp days that no amount of vinegar, pine-o-clean...or bleach (heaven forbid!) could abate!!

And the gaping hole where a decrepit old chipboard linen cupboard once stood filled with a gleaming frameless shower screen wrapped in plastic (found for a song in the weekend shopper) taunting me for a good year. Ah such a haven!!!!

But not for long. My "sanctuary" is being overhauled by my very own man of steel! Hubby has taken a few weeks off work and is single handedly renovating this monstrosity whilst poppet and I are staying with Momle and Falof. We have done all the renos so far in this house together so it's been trés hard to leave him on his own. But oh the progress...!!

Goodbye manky vanity...and dry reach inducing toilet!

And so long asbestos walls (and the man is a safety freak so don't fret) and what turned out to be a cast iron bath...that he removed on his own!

Be gone dated old terrazzo floor whose shine abandoned you somewhere in the sixties.

Welcome new plumbing and wall sheeting ...yes he did it all himself!

Bonjour to a new bath frame courteous of my hero.

Oh how do you do gleaming new bath?

It's so lovely to see you Mr. Waterproofing.

Please come in and make yourself at home gorgeous new floor tiles...

and gleaming white wall tiles!

I've popped in today sans my girl to visit this star of a man and make him some patty cakes and caramel slice to keep his spirits...and sugar levels up. He has done every drop of this reno on his own and I couldn't be more proud of him and awe struck at what he can take his hands to. I have to take off my hat, beanie, beret, mouldy old shower cap, sombrero etc. etc. to his AMAZING skill. But more than that...his perseverance!

You are an absolute champion my love. Merçi a million times over for making us a new bathroom.....bring on that rubber ducky!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

My Creative Space - A Little Man's Trousers

A dear friend of mine recently had her first child...a gorgeous little man! The glowing Mumma and her adoring hubby were over the moon with the arrival of their own little gentleman albeit a little surprised as girls reign supreme in both their families.
It got me to thinking (oh dear...and we all know where that gets me!). Although I have four nephews I really haven't got the foggiest idea about baby boys...or little boys....or teen boys...or men come to think of it! Girls' parts I know, girls' moods I know, girls' ability to change their mind at the speed of light...I know.

My girlfriend shared this wonder (read: bewilderment) as she changed her little mister for the first time. Having changed oodles of babies (all girls though) in her time she gestured to the midwife to leave her as all would be fine. No sooner had she undone T's pants did his "little fire house" spray all those within range with what appeared to be litres of pee...including her gaping mouth! Needless to say she learnt quick smart to hold that nappy down on said appendage at all costs for future (and there will be many, many of these) nappy changing events.

Using a delightful and easy peasy lemon squeezy pattern from Anna Maria Horner's Handmade Beginnings, I made the little love a few pairs of reversible pants. I used some kokka froggies and trains and some cream and brown linen. It really is the most clever pattern!

And I'm sure the gorgeous Ms. Horner (as the mother of six!) is a deft hand at changing a nappy on any baby.

Let's go and have a look see over here to behold crafty utopia!!

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Oh my!

Taking a bazillion piccies today to load up my wee little shops. This one took my breath away. Mon bébé has grown overnight! Oh my! And just for the, she's not posing in a hoighty toighty precocious child model way ...she's about to give her behind a good scratchin! Ah, my girl!!

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